Flood Alleviation
Flood alleviation has, in recent years, become of increased of importance within many parts of the UK. With the changing climate and a large number of high-profile instances of flooding in recent years, protection from flood water has become a priority for many local and national authorities as well as for private individuals and firms. At Geosynthetic Technology Ltd we are experts in using geomembrane linings in flood protection and alleviation projects.
The use of geomembrane linings in flood alleviation systems is primarily for the containment and alleviation of water surcharges. The properties of the geomembrane liners used ensure that flood water can be controlled and channelled effectively with minimal loss. These impermeable barriers are flexible and strong enough to be installed on substantial gradients. Once installed any joins in the Geomembrane lining undergo specialist treatment to ensure they are completely impermeable. Thorough testing of all joins is undertaken to ensure that they will remain watertight and impermeable in the long-term. For peace of mind, all our impermeable barrier installations come with a minimum of 20 years long-term warranty.
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Like most modern methods of flood defence and flood alleviation, it has become increasingly important that any measures undertaken are sympathetic to the landscape. We understand the importance of minimising the visual impact of any such installation and work to ensure that any adverse effect on the surrounding landscape is minimised. To create an aesthetically pleasing finish to our flood alleviation installations, at Geosynthetic Technology the liner is typically backfilled with subsoil.
If you have a flood alleviation project that you would like our help with then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Geosynthetic Technology today to discuss your project and requirements. With over 40 years of experience and a worldwide client base across 5 continents, Geosynthetic Technology is a name you can trust with your project. Visit the Contact Us page now or call us on +44 (0)1206 262676